Strengthening Local DM Practices Through GO-NGO Partnership (SLDPGP)
Partner Organization: Early Recovery Facility (ERF), United nation Development Programme (UNDP)
Project Period: May 2013 to April 2015 (2 years)
Project Brief:
The project aims to develop and strengthen GO-NGO partnership for accelerating the effective functioning of local level Disaster Management Committees (DMC)s. This objective will be pursued through strategic assessment of capacity and needs, developing technical capacities, bridging NGOs and DMCs, and coordination among various NGOs and agencies at different levels. The project will form, support and strengthen the ‘Network of NGOs” at national level and the ‘Core Groups’ at local level facilitating the effective functioning of DMCs. The formation of the groups and networks would ensure the adequate representation of the relevant sectors and actors as well as their effective synchronization. The overall motivation, however, is to develop capacities from an inside-driven approach and harvesting largely on existing capacity assets at local levels.
Goal: Disaster management system of the country is strengthen
Expected outcome: DMCs are operational and better able to prepare for and respond to disasters.
Working Areas: (5 districts, 15 Upazilla and 45 Union)
Cyclone Zone: Satkhira, Bagerhat, Pirojpur
Flood and River Bank Erosion Zone: Jamalpur
Flood and Drought Zone: Gaibandha
Project purpose and outputs:
The purpose of the project is to establish an effective coordination mechanism and effective GO-NGO partnership for accelerating the government’s disaster risk reduction and response initiatives. Thus, during the project period, the stage will be prepared for effective and sustainable coordination and cooperation amongst NGOs and with DMCs at the field level.
The project is designed to yield three specific outputs:
Output- 1: A well-functioning GO-NGO coordination system will be established. This will be to complement the DER’s coordination effort. Hence the coordination structure will be in line with DER’s, e.g. the thematic cluster system of DER. The coordination system will consist of core NGO groups at all levels, which will assist in carrying out many of the works at the field level. Once the NGOs are selected and trained, the coordination system will be set up and a guideline will be developed through extensive consultation at all levels for coordination among NGOs and with DMCs.
Output- 2: GO-NGOs partnership will be developed and strengthened to provide technical and professional support to Disaster Management Committees (DMCs) at field level. The NGOs who are members of DMCs would be trained to provide the necessary technical support to their respective DMCs. The process would be detailed out in a handbook, so that the rest of the areas of the country can follow the guideline to replicate the process.
Output- 3: Communication among the DMCs at different levels including that at the national level institutions (DMRD/DER/ERF/DRR/DMD) will be established. This will be done firstly digitally. A web portal will be established where all the DMC meeting minutes, DER meeting minutes will be uploaded instantly, which will allow all stakeholders to know about the developments at all levels. The portal will have blogs to let all stakeholders’ voice raised and ventilate their concerns. There will also be publications/communication materials. Secondly, a detail communication channel for the disaster period will be established through extensive consultation among all stakeholders.