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DRR Project Portal Under the ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) ‘Regional Stocktaking and Mapping of DRR Interventions in Asia and the Pacific (RSM): Phase-I’ a Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Project Portal (www.drrprojects.net) was developed, which aims to increase collaboration and cooperation on conceptualisation, planning and programming on DRR among different stakeholders at regional level. The DRR Project Portal answers the question: who is doing what, and where and thus helps to identify gaps, increase cooperation, and improve planning on DRR. BDPC has been designated to promote DRR project portal in Bangladesh and recommend projects for incorporation in to the portal.
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UNCRD UNCRD, which was established in 1971 based on an agreement between the Government of Japan and the United Nations, strives to promote sustainable regional development in developing countries with a focus on development planning and management in the context of globalization and decentralization trends, and the growing concern towards global environmental issues and their impacts.
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Action Aid ActionAid is an international anti-poverty agency whose aim is to fight poverty worldwide. Formed in 1972, for over 30 years we have been growing and expanding to where we are today - helping over 13 million of the world's poorest and most disadvantaged people in 42 countries worldwide.
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