Enlightening the Youth on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
 | Young School going Students could be the gateway for the effective mass awareness campaign throughout the vulnerable communities. The ongoing programme “School Based Disaster Risk Reduction” has been conducted by Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre in two unions, Khaulia and Nishanbaria, of Morrelganj Upazila in Bagerhat under the project "Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction , Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods through Good Governance", funded by Christian Aid UK. |
Strategic Planning Workshop with Staff Members
 | From Strategic planning workshop 23-24 June 13 ERF-UNDP and BDPC together arranged the “Workshop on Strategic Planning” on 23-24 June 2013 at the conference room of BDPC. The workshop was organized by the SLDPGP project of BDPC. Most of the participants arrived before the scheduled time and registration was taking place. Initially the Director of BDPC Mr. Muhammad Saidur Rahman gave the welcome speech and inaugurated the workshop formally. Later on Ms. Khaleda Yasmin, the Project Coordinator of SLDPGP introduced the project briefly on power point presentation slides. The technical session of the workshop was into several sections with two consecutive daylong working days. SLDPGP project’s detail breakdown of activities was demonstrated in the workshop by incorporating necessary corrections by the Project Officer, Monitoring and Documentation Officer and IT Officer. Ms. Seeta Giri, Programme Manager and distinguished participants from ERF-UNDP and BDPC’s project personnel were also present in the workshop by affording their feedback and suggestions. The workshop was facilitated by Shuvashish Chandra Mahanta, Project Coordinator, BDPC. The main objective of the workshop was to synchronize all the activities with responsibility and time for mapping the SLDPGP project. |
Introduction Meeting with ERF, UNDP
| On 13 June 2013 (Thursday) at the Conference Room of ERF-UNDP office, the SLDPGP project staff Introduction Meeting was held between ERF-UNDP and BDPC. The meeting was commenced by the address of warm welcome by Ms. Seeta Giri, Programme Manager of ERF-UNDP. Mr. Muhammad Saidur Rahman the Director of BDPC acquainted and discussed about the intent of the meeting. Afterwards the meeting was preceded as per its preset agendas shared by the Project Coordinator. Brief introduction of the project team, funding updates, progress and partnership between ERF-UNDP and BDPC etc. were discussed in the meeting. Later on various activities regarding the early recovery theme was presented by the Project Officer of ERF-UNDP and also discussed various technical issues of the project. Distinguished participants from ERF-UNDP as Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Information Management Specialist, Volunteer Mobilization Officer, Capacity Building Specialist, Account & Finance Officer and BDPC’s project personnel were also present in the meeting by affording their feedback and suggestions regarding the project and to grace the day. Programme Manager of ERF-UNDP expressed his gratitude with vote of thanks to all the attendee of the meeting.
“SLDPGP Project Introduction” with the Department of Disaster Management
 | From ERF Project Introductory meeting with DDM | Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre (BDPC) with support of Early Recovery Facility (ERF) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has started a project on “Strengthening Local Disaster Management Practices through GO-NGO Partnership (SLDPGP)” from May 2013. For the Introduction of the project, a tremendous acquainting meeting with Department of Disaster Management (DDM) was held on 9 June 2013 at the conference room of DDM. The programme was initiated with the address of welcome by Muhammad Saidur Rahman, Director of BDPC and followed by opening remarks by Ms. Seeta Giri, Programme Manager of ERF-UNDP. Honorable Mr. Mohammad Abdul Wazed, Director General of DDM has also graced the event by his presence and given his kind opening remarks regarding the project. Followed by the introductory points out, a power point presentation on the project was done by the Director of BDPC. Respectable participants from different actors like CDMP, UNDP have pointed their insights, comments, questions and answers concerning the technical part of the project proposal gracefully. The full project team was present at the meeting and introduce themselves. Finally the Coordinator of the project has given a vote of thanks. |
| The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) is currently the leading gathering of stakeholders devoted to risk reduction and engaged in building resilient country through community. The first session started off in the 2007 as a biennial meeting of the relevant parties for information exchange, discussion of latest development and knowledge and partnership building across sectors of disaster risk reduction. |
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