Reducing the risk of Disaster through Promotion of Rights and Good Governance
In three disaster prone regions of Bangladesh, BDPC is working with vulnerable house holds, civil society members and local government agencies to ensure that individuals understand their service entitlements and the relevant agencies are effectively providing those services.
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Disaster risk reduction and climate change fortified livelihoods through good governance
BDPC is using an integrated approach to help coastal house holds adapt to the impacts of climate change. This includes developing and implementing local risk reduction action plans, providing climate compatible livelihood opportunities and establishing good governance.
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Strengthening Local DM Practices Through GO-NGO Partnership (SLDPGP)
The project aims to develop and strengthen GO-NGO partnership for accelerating the effective functioning of local level Disaster Management Committees (DMCs). The objective will be pursued through strategic assessment of capacity and needs, developing technical capacities, bridging NGOs and DMCs and coordination among various NGOs and agencies at different levels. Read more