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Commenced in 2013

Partner organization: Manusher Jonno Foundation

Overview: The proposed project aims at fostering good governance through empowering local communities in developing pro-people, transparent and accountable public institutions with enhanced service delivery capacity. “Governance has justifiably emerged as the most critical of issues at the interface of democracy and development” (PRSP). The lack of effective decentralization is seen as part of broader governance problems in Bangladesh, which in turn impact significantly on the quality of service delivery and achievement of MDGs. The revised National Strategies for Accelerated Poverty Reduction-II (NSPAR) also emphasizes the importance of local governance, protection of the vulnerable, especially women, and the efficient delivery of public services through effective public institutions. Bangladesh has a long history of public sector governance reform, while there has been a shift in emphasis, during the last two decades, for effective local governance as an institutional mechanism for poverty reduction. But it is the general perception among end-users that relatively few services are delivered in practice through this system and inefficiencies and leakages are well-documented as being high. Given this background, BDPC has long legacies of working in improving governance for poverty reduction with enduring supports from Manusher Jonno Foundation and the proposed project intends to address these priorities further. Consistently studying the situation, BDPC solely focused on right-based programmes since its inception which includes but not limited to community Empowerment, Good Governance, DRR, CCA and Capacity Building. The aspiration of empowering the excluded communities from vulnerable regions is to improve the quality of service delivery. The intended project has accentuated on the fundamental rights of the targeted communities, so that they can ask for services on their own. At the same time, project aimed on bringing changes in mind-set of service holders and deservers. Herewith, designed project has considered number of participatory activities to empower the disadvantaged communities e.g. community led right-based institution, regular interface with SPA (Agriculture, Education, Health, UP, UzP), implementation of SA tools (Public Hearing, PSP, CSC, Advocacy Workshop, etc), Child education on Good Governance and activating SPA’s standing committees at Union level.
Intervention areas:
In order to reach those most in need, BDPC has selected two of the most disaster prone and remote regions of Bangladesh for implementation of the project:


Chouhali lies on the edge of the Jamuna River in the Sirajgonj District of Bangladesh. The Upazila of Chouhali is separated from the rest of Sirajgonj by the vast expanse of the Jamuna, leaving it frequently excluded from services. Chauhali’s location makes it highly vulnerable to river bank erosion. In September 2010, the township of Chauhali lost a market, a mosque and a high school into the swirling waters of the Jamuna within a few hours. Flooding also poses a serious threat to the predominantly agricultural communities of Chauhali. Without the resources or governance for a large scale embankment and dredging project, reducing vulnerability is a matter of sound preparation and coping strategies.


Kutubdia is an island Upazila off the south coast of Bangladesh in Cox’s Bazaar District. The majority of inhabitants are dependent upon agriculture and, to a lesser extent, fishing. Almost every year the island is struck by cyclone or inundated by tidal surge, threatening lives, homes and means of income. High salinity levels mean fresh water is scarce and disease is widespread, not only for humans but also for crops, fish and livestock.


Stakeholder groups are formed at Upazila, Ward and Village level.

Adhikar Kendro, a common center for education, learning and information dissemination is established at all wards.

Enhanced knowledge and skill of community people to address the issue of rights and good governance.

Increased access to public service related information

Adhikar Groups, local Advocates and Service Providing Agencies are interacting actively.

The Service Providing Agencies will be more attached with the social accountability process

Empowered and capacitated community peoples (Adhikar Groups) are representing in Decision making process.


Responsiveness of Public Institutions is amplified appreciably. 

Communities, especially the poor and other marginal people, have equitable access to public resources, such as agriculture, education, primary health and social safety-net programmes.

Community based Adhikar Kendros are capacitated to take initiatives to claim and establish their rights.

Civil Society engagement in local development process to ensure good governance.

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