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Kutubdia is an Island under the District of Cox’s Bazar. A devastating cyclone heat this sea surrounded Upazila in 1991
Most. Hasina Begum is a permanent resident of 04 no. Ward’s Karim Sikder Para of 02 no. South Dhurong Union in Kutubdia Upazila Island under the District of Cox’s Bazar.
The 03 no. North Channel Union of Sadar Upazila is situated on the bank of river Padma under the District of Faridpur.
When BDPC launched the RRDPRG project less than 20% of the intervention areas’ inhabitants knew the responsibilities of the Union Parishad.
“I will try not to beg anymore; rather invest my labor to run my small business on my own”- said Taslima.
Honufa Begum comes from an insolvent family from Jewdhara Village of Ward 9 in Nishanbaria Union.
Bangladesh is one of the most disaster prone countries of the world. Some call the country the ‘Supermarket of Disasters’.
Chowhali is an Upazila located on the bank of Jamuna River under the District of Shirajgonj.
Shah Alam, a member of Ward-7, Nishanbaria Sachetan Dal (beneficiary group), lives in close proximity of Sundarban mangrove forest for generations.
‘We should be focusing on reducing the risks posed by disasters besides conducting meetings every month”, stated Mr. S.M Ferdous, the Chairman of Betmor Union at the..

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