- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: News & Events
- Published: 02 November 2014
- Hits: 5699
Training Summary
IT Training Course on MIS and Web Portal System for the DMC Members under the Strengthening Local Disaster Management Practices through GO-NGO Partnership (SLDPGP) Project was held in the district of Gaibandha in September 2014.
A total of 29 participants undertook the training. The duration of the training course was for two days.
SLDPGP is being implemented in five districts (Jamalpur, Gaibandha, Bagerhat, Pirojpur and Shatkhira) with the aim to develop and strengthen GO-NGO partnership for accelerating the effective functioning of local level Disaster Management Committees (DMCs) as per the Standing Orders on Disaster (SOD) through strategic assessment of capacity and needs, development of technical capacities, bridging NGOs and DMCs, and coordination among various stakeholders.
Training Approach
Training Aims and Objectives
One of the aims of the IT training was to provide the DMC members a clear idea and hand on practical experience about the documentation, coordination and communication system that has been developed through the Web Portal and MIS.
Another aim is to make the DMC members understand the importance of two way communication mechanism and platform that provides the national level to monitor the local level activities and local level the opportunity to know national level activities. At times of emergency the actors at national level will know which local DMC to communicate with for quick information, while the local DMCs would know which agency and whom to inform of the situation or learn about government's decisions, enabling the DMCs to play a vital role in the communication chain.
The objective of the training:
- Introduction to the web portal’s documentation facility that consists of national level documents such as SOD, DM ACT, National Plan, as well as different local level documents etc. Retrieving and downloading these documents from Web Portal.
- Digitalization of meeting resolutions, DMC member list and profile, Core Group member list, TWG profiles, Community Risk Assessment Report and other related documents and storing these in the web portal through uploading from local level.
- Submitting and updating DMC Members and Meetings related records on regular basis to keep and maintain an up-to-date information database.
- Develop technical abilities to utilize Internet based communication facilities to report and record a disaster related incident with proper evidence and proof.
Training Materials
- Training related Electronic Files and Softwares were distributed from Instructor to participants in order to follow training instructions and work accordingly.
- Multimedia Projector was used to demonstrate presentations and training exercise related results instantly to all.
- Participants brought their individual Laptop and Modem (Internet Connectivity Device) to work online.
A range of teaching methodologies with emphasis on use of IT equipments and Internet communication were employed throughout the training. They included interactive multimedia presentations to explain new information and ideas; online based individual and group activities with instant result viewing opportunities in projector, open discussions to obtain participants views and opinions; group activities to enable participants to work with one another. Lecture methods took into account the special needs of participants including their ability to understand the difficult part of the training.
- The training session was started by the team of SLDPGP project with 2 separate multimedia presentations; one about SLDPGP project and the other on SLDPGP MIS and Web Portal.
- Training Participants introduced each other in pair which helped to build rapport.
- Before starting the formal session the program schedule was shared with the participants. The schedule and training topics were explained to them.
- The participants were at first given basic and essential IT related tasks to check their skill level.
- Gradually they were given advanced IT related tasks to complete, which are necessary skills to work with MIS and Web Portal system.
- On Day one, the participants completed all the basic and advanced skills instructed tasks given to them by the instructor. They were introduced to the MIS and Web Portal system and shown different user interface of the portal to work with. The Day One activities include Report Writing, Picture Processing, and Emailing with Attachment File, Internet Browsing and Data Downloading, SLDPGP MIS and Web Portal Use.
- On Day two, the participants were instructed on SLDPGP MIS and Web Portal system and its different functions. The Day Two activities include Information Download and Printing from SLDPGP Web Portal, Information Upload in SLDPGP Web Portal, DMC Member Creation and Update, DMC Meeting Resolution, Documents i.e. CRA, Budget paper Upload.
- Training Feedback forms were distributed to participants and collected later.
- Participatory training method was the main focus of the entire training course which was applied throughout all the training sessions.
At the conclusion of the training all the participants received a Certificate of Training Completion. This certificate indicates that the participant has completed the two day IT Training Course on SLDPGP MIS and Web Portal.
Ashikul Islam (ITO, SLDPGP, BDPC)
Mahmudul Alam Shoeb (DCO, Gaibandha, BDPC)
Selected DMC Members in the district of Gaibandha (Annex)
- Total participants were 29 including the DRRO. Out of 29 participants, 26 were GOB representatives and 3 were from NGOs. Participatory NGOs include SKS, GUK and Friendship.
- Union Information Service Center (UISC) Staff were the main active participants in the training. They were total 10 in number (1 female) and all of them brought their individual Laptop and Modem. They worked enthusiastically and completed all IT tasks eagerly.
- NGO representatives were found more knowledgeable about IT systems and its application in disaster management activities.
- There were Government staffs who were found genuinely interested to work with IT systems and see their names and records in Internet based Web Portal. They were pleased to see digital copies of national level act and policy related information in Web Portal.
- There were problems in connecting the Internet with modems. This was due to the low signal strength in the venue area.
- Many technical questions were asked by participants, which were not directly related to MIS and Web Portal system.
- Coordination and overall management of the District Coordinator (Gaibandha) was good and satisfactory.
Objective has to be kept in mind while selecting the training venue. As participants had problems in connecting Internet. There were frequent electricity failures. Therefore venue with good Internet connection and Power backup facility is desired (if available). District Coordinator can play more active role while selecting venue.
Training Module can be updated and post training related tasks for participants can be given.
The training was overall conducted in a good cordial atmosphere. At the end of the training, participants were able to understand the SLDPGP MIS and Web Portal.